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Our Values


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Flying Food Group (FFG) began with our founder, Sue L. Gin, a legendary entrepreneur.  Sue Gin was a first-generation Chinese American who founded Flying Food Group through her creativity and passion. Today, Flying Food Group employees carry on her passion for food and service while representing over 40 countries worldwide. We pride ourselves on respecting and delivering a diverse set of culinary experiences to our customers – something we can only do by embracing diversity at our core. 

Flying Food Group continues to manage DEI with intentionality, informed by the diversity of the communities in which we operate and the customers we serve. We believe in creating a culture of inclusion that welcomes everyone without discrimination, including women, minorities, veterans, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community. We build DEI into our recruiting practices, and reinforce it with inclusive business practices, employee training, and unit-based diversity initiatives.

All of Flying Food Group’s taxable income is contributed annually to The Sue L. Gin Foundation Trust, a non-profit organization that supports initiatives focused on healthcare, education, legal assistance and immigration rights.


Flying Food Group is committed to ensuring a viable future for our business and our planet.  Sustainability strengthens our operations as we strive to consistently evolve and do better for our people, our planet and our community.

That’s why at Flying Food Group, we manage sustainability with verified objectives and reporting that delivers confidence in the quality, safety and reputational integrity of FFG’s exceptional meals.  Each of our seventeen facilities aim to reduce their environmental impacts by focusing on  waste, energy and recycling initiatives.

Our sustainability program encompasses all our operations and facilities and will extend to our key suppliers. We combine our internal sustainability knowledge and practices with third party expertise to establish priorities, direct investments and evaluate performance. The result is a sustainability program that reduces our environmental impact, engages our employees, elevates our suppliers, and supports the communities in which we operate.

Introducing Greener Runways, Flying Food Group’s sustainability initiative to promote, educate, and encourage sustainable actions, thoughts, and accountability.  Greener Runways will showcase our comprehensive initiatives to a more sustainable company.  

Our internal awareness campaign, Recipes 4 Better, will engage our employees on a personal level to make more sustainable choices.

Continue to follow the Our Values page for all the latest updates and information.

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